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Travel Direct Taranaki

Travel Medicine by people who love to travel, for people who love to travel.

Travel safe, Travel prepared

Travel Direct Happy Traveller

Unlock the power of preparation with a comprehensive travel medical examination before your international adventure! At our Travel Direct Taranaki, we understand the importance of prioritising your well-being while exploring new horizons.

Solo Traveler

Client Stories

"Jody helped me feel so informed and prepared for my trip. Her knowledge and passion is such a  great resource and made my adventure so relaxed despite all the complex requirements."



NZTM Accredited Travel Specialist 

Jody got her postgraduate certificate in Travel Medicine in 2005 and has been supporting Kiwi's to chase their dreams with her travel medicine expertise for nearly 20 years.

She loves travelling the world, seeing different countries, and experiencing different cultures. Covid taught her that our own backyard is a pretty cool place to see also but now that our world has opened up again, she is always looking to book her next adventure!



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